Mika-Tache' St. Fleur
Social Media Is TOO Important For Your Business To Ignore
Daily I speak with small owners who all have one thing in common, not enough time in the day. To start a business takes courage and passion, but what about the details.
Oprah says that’s where the love is. And she’s right.
As much as you love being a chef, a hairstylist, an IT professional, a financier, a photographer or whatever your passion is, you still have to be able to make a human to human connection with your clients.
In marketing, social media is where your business can connect with people on a personal level and make those connections. Those people that have followed you on your social media accounts have done so because they want to know more of your business on a personal level. For example, if you are a chef, what recipes are you working on behind the scenes for your menu? Or if you are in finance, what tips can you give to help your clients save for retirement? Social media allows you to go beyond your website and truly share your passions.
So what are the ways that you can connect to your followers? Saint MGMT has provided a list below on how to manage your social media accounts:
1. Post frequently and consistently. Pick several days during the week that you commit to posting on social media. There are apps and programs to help you to manage a social posting schedule.
2. Keep your content fresh and exciting. Commit to a mix of a variety of messages. One day you can post on a behind the scenes of your business, one day you can highlight features and benefits of your business, and one day you can give tips. There are a variety of ways to show these messages.
3. There are several social media platforms and all content doesn’t belong to each. Make sure your content/message match the platform. For example, Twitter should be text/characters heavy, Instagram should be a video (:30-: 60 seconds) or a single picture post with a catchy message, Linkedin should remain business related and so forth.
4. Keep current of new ways to utilize social media platforms. Social media platforms are ever changing. For example, Instagram just launched IGTV which will compete with YouTube for long length video content. Currently, videos on Instagram are limited to :60 seconds maximum. Though statics show that people don’t watch video beyond :30 seconds, IGTV knows there is still room for long-length video content. For example, if you are a hairstylist it can be a great way to showcase your talents.
5. If all of these tips sound like too much for you to manage on your plate or social media isn’t your cup of tea, hire someone that specializes in social media management. Social media is too important for your business to ignore.