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  • Writer's pictureMika-Tache' St. Fleur

Spring Time = Sale Time!

Spring is here and it’s a perfect time for promotions. You may be clearing old inventory on your site or ready to launch a new product line. A strategic marketing promotion is a great way to leverage your products, thank past customer’s and garner new ones. When setting up a new promotion for your #ecommerce website, there is a lot to consider.

Saint MGMT has come up with some things to consider before you launch your next promotion on the online store section of your website:

 Set promotional pricing for specific stores, categories, customer segments, or products.

 Create flexible coupons for specific stores, customer segments, time periods, products, and categories.

 Export coupon codes for offline distribution, email, newsletters, and more.

 Track and report coupon usage.

 Add new attributes to customer profiles to create more sophisticated segments

 Personalize shopping experiences with advanced segmentation and targeting.

 Send automated reminders and coupons to customers with abandoned carts and wish lists.

 Create powerful email marketing campaigns

 Offer free shipping and percent, fixed amount, and buy X get Y free discounts.

 Set multi-tier pricing for quantity discounts.

If this all sounds crazy to you, reach out to us. We specialize in the online shopping experience for our clients.


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